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Freediving: What is my limit?

I often hear the excuse, "Oh, I'm fine. I never push myself..." This may be fine and dandy until something goes wrong. I have a friend that has a static apnea breath-hold of 5 minutes 30 seconds. He is definitely above the norm in the freediving world.

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Dive smarter, not harder! .... It's that easy.

Within our professions, whether you’re a doctor, an engineer or a surfer, we look to further our knowledge and education. We make our best attempts to keep current on new information and to ultimately put it into practice. But sometimes there does      come a time in our lives where we become complacent and say, “I think I know enough.” But do we really?

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The Most Efficient Way to Boat Fish and Share Stories!

I was recently in the Bahamas on a trip of a lifetime! To say the trip was epic would be an understatement. As always, the objective of my spearfishing trips is that everyone goes home to their loved ones. After all, what is a fish story if you can’t tell it?

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