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Freediving…. To breathe or not to breathe?

To be honest, both are correct at the right moments. As freedivers and spearos, we're always looking for different ways to improve our breath-hold. But how often do we seek to be better breathers and to really take advantage of the benefits of proper breathing? I mean, really? We breathe about 30,000 times per day!

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Freediving ...what a drag!

I’ve been reading a lot about elite Olympic swim athletes such as Michael Phelps and Dara Torres. Even at their elite levels,their coaches are constantly focusing on technique and their movement through the water. Well, we as freedivers also move through the water and need to be concerned about being efficient and creating less drag. Drag is the freediver’s enemy. It makes us work harder resulting in more oxygen consumption and ult

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two divers under water

Freediving Secret - The Silver Bullet

We hear and read about these freedivers diving incredible depths and having spectacular breath-holds. We often ask ourselves, “How do they do it?” “Are they super-human?” Some “perhaps” are but the majorities are normal human beings with an innate aquatic ability that can be easily tapped into by proper instruction and guidance.

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