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Diver give five

Steven Depaoli Verified Student

2023-01-09 15:49:10

# 10275 Level 1 Freediver

Instructor: Daniel Koval

I was lucky enough to train under both Daniel Koval

Steven Depaoli Verified Student

2023-01-09 15:42:46

# 10275 Level 1 Freediver

Instructor: Daniel Koval

Both the course material and in-ocean training were well presented

Brandon Zeek Verified Student

2023-01-06 17:20:39

# 8363 Level 3 Freediver

Instructor: Martin Stepanek

Always a pleasure learning from one of the best. Martin's teaching style far exceeds any other I have personally experienced.

Brandon Zeek Verified Student

2023-01-06 17:18:35

# 8363 Level 3 Freediver

Instructor: Martin Stepanek

Excellent course to learn about nutrition and training to become a better freediver. I would recommend a more comprehensive workbook. Something that provides an ability to track workouts, diet, and progress and encourages certain things to people who have no general direction after the class is over. While successful athletes have figured out how to log these things on their own or from coaches early in life, adding support to students who were not exposed to athletics most of their life would be a game changer.

Andrii Kostiuk Verified Student

2022-11-07 08:02:49

# 9927 Level 1 Freediver

Instructor: Zachary Small

I really enjoyed to learn from Zach. He is attentive and pays attention to details. Hope to see Zach again somewhere underwater